用jd-eclipse 插件来反编译java class文件的输出还是挺nice的,虽然阅读方便了 但是对debug确造成一定的困扰,主要问题是line number的不match.
1. Download JD-Eclipse and JD-GUI - and install.
2. Put a file realignment.jd.ide.eclipse_1.0.2.jar in eclipse/plugins directory.
To use Realignment feature it is necessary to open the menu Preferences/General/Editors/File Associations and to select "*.class" file type and to choose "Realignment for JD Class File Editor" for Associated editors.
Another possibility is the batch realignment after processing JD-GUI. To work properly you must to switch on the property "Display line numbers" in Help/Preferences of JD-GUI.
To use this feature it is necessary to open the menu Preferences/Java/Decompiler/Batch Realignment and click button "Open dialog". Existing limitation: the realignment is performed only for the methods.
To work properly it is necessary that the property "Display line numbers" in menu "Preferences/Java/Decompiler" was active.
2. Put a file realignment.jd.ide.eclipse_1.0.2.jar in eclipse/plugins directory.
To use Realignment feature it is necessary to open the menu Preferences/General/Editors/File Associations and to select "*.class" file type and to choose "Realignment for JD Class File Editor" for Associated editors.
Another possibility is the batch realignment after processing JD-GUI. To work properly you must to switch on the property "Display line numbers" in Help/Preferences of JD-GUI.
To use this feature it is necessary to open the menu Preferences/Java/Decompiler/Batch Realignment and click button "Open dialog". Existing limitation: the realignment is performed only for the methods.
To work properly it is necessary that the property "Display line numbers" in menu "Preferences/Java/Decompiler" was active.
JD-Eclipse插件 + realignment 补丁让优雅的debug class 文件成为可能。
如果只是为了阅读class代码,建议不要用 realignment 补丁,这样会降低代码的可读性(会多出大量的空行)